Source: Wikipedia Commons

Myrtle Shaw experienced a harsh upbringing since she was raised in foster care. Despite reconnecting with her biological mother, Myrtle’s challenges never eased up. Over the years, the 33-year-old mother of four had moved from South Bend, Indiana, to Detroit and Atlanta in search of greener pastures. However, she was unable to overcome her battle with drug addiction.

On Oct. 21, 1999, Shaw’s body was found by a jogger in Detroit’s River Park. An autopsy report showed the victim’s cause of death was due to several gunshots and stab wounds. In addition, the report indicated her body had been moved from another crime scene and later dumped into the river.

The motive for the killing remains unclear, but investigators believe Shaw’s death might be drug-related regarding her living environment with an older man and his daughter, who were likely drug users.

Shaw’s oldest child and daughter, Chasity, also a product of the foster care system, claims the police investigation into her mother’s death was non-existent. Furthermore, the police returned the dirty clothes her mother was found in after the autopsy and has constantly refused to take her call over the years.

Due to the absence of a suspect or an arrest in the case, the family continues to seek justice and find closure.

“I have a lot of good memories of her. She was special to me and I think she would’ve wanted to be remembered as a caring person and a great mother, ” said the victim’s friend David Morgan, according to Project Cold Case.

Chasity is now a mother of two sons and a Houston resident in Texas. 

If anyone has any information that could help solve this case, please contact the Detroit Police Department at (313) 596-1800.


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