Source: YouTube -Ricky Pearsall

Authorities in California have charged a teenager for the shooting and attempted murder of Ricky Pearsall, 23, on Tuesday.

The San Francisco Police Department identified the suspect as a 17-year-old boy from Tracy. The charges will be filed in juvenile court temporarily, with the intention of prosecutors charging the minor in adult court later. However, under California law, a judge has to review the case and determine if the minor should be tried as an adult.

“And so I have attempted to make it clear that there will be accountability when people commit crimes, most certainly serious crimes of this nature. Regardless of the status of the victim, my office’s job is to ensure that we have appropriate consequences, and I do want it to spread far and wide, that will be the case when something happens in San Francisco,” said District Attorney Brooke Jenkins, according to KQED.

Personal discharge of a firearm and personal and intentional discharge of a firearm charges were also filed, which carries lengthy sentences if the defendant is convicted.

On Aug. 31, around 3:30 pm, Pearsall, who had been at an autograph signing event at the Union Square vicinity, was accosted by the teen as he walked to his car near the corner of Geary Street and Grant Avenue. Then, in an attempt to rob the victim at gunpoint of his Rolex wristwatch, a tussle for the weapon ensued between the duo that led to the teen and Pearsall being shot.

The 49ers wide receiver was hit in the chest with the bullet exiting his back and missing his vital organs. Both Pearsall and the suspect were rushed to the San Francisco General Hospital.

“This really makes you stop and reflect about how precious life is. He just wants to express, and the team wants to express, our gratitude to a variety of people: Number one, the San Francisco Police Department. They were incredible in their response, they were incredible at the hospital,” said the 49ers General Manager John Lynch, reported NBC News.

Pearsall was the 49ers team’s 2024 first-round draft pick and will miss the first couple of games for the season as he recovers.


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